Fabio Pesciaioli
Fabio PesciaioliResearch associatefabio.pesciaioli@univaq.it
Area:03 - Chemistry
Academic Recruitment Field: 03/C1 - Organic chemistry
Academic Discipline: CHIM/06 - Organic chemistry

Room A 4-21 - Building "Angelo Camillo De Meis"

+39 0862 433013

+39 328 8933363

Students reception:
Wednesday 12:00-13:00

He is currently interested in the fields of Asymmetric Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry. In particular, he is focusing his efforts on the development of new synthetic transformations able to merge Organocatalysis, Transition Metal Catalysis and Green Chemistry. Moreover, he recently embarked on the synthesis of heterogeneous catalytic materials applicable to flow chemistry.


Publications list
